Seramur K.C. and Cowan E.A.
Archaeology, Vol. 52, p. 101-118
Oct 1, 2003
Site 31MR205 is located on the crest and northeast slope of a ridge in the Sandhills of the western Coastal Plain. These ridges are eroded from ancient fluvial and marine sediment and capped by Pleistocene and Holocene alluvium and aeolian deposits. The cultural horizon at 31MR205 is buried in a massive sand that is characteristic of surficial deposits throughout the Sandhills. Particle-size analyses of this sand indicate that it is an aeolian deposit with evidence of stratification within the archaeology excavation blocks. A perched water table within the porous surficial deposits supplies water to springs around the perimeter of this ridge. These springs provided a source of potable water for Native Americans, and one area of 31MR205 is located adjacent to a spring on the northeast slope. This stratigraphy is common in the Sandhills, and the hydrogeology interpretation provided here is probably applicable throughout this area. The results of this geoarchaeology study are summarized in a model for site burial by Holocene aeolian sedimentation.