Seramur K.C., Cowan E.A., Lautzenheiser, L. and Eastman, J.M.
Southeastern Archaeology, Vol. 26, No. 1., p. 32-46
Jun 1, 2007
Buried archaeological sites along Piedmont streams can be located using a predictive model based on a 20-km geoarchaeology survey of the Deep River in the North Carolina Piedmont. Alluvial terraces adjacent to knickpoints and tributary streams were more likely to contain buried archaeological sites. These sites occur on specific landforms that can be identified by reconstructing the buried prehistoric floodplain geomorphology. Buried sites occur on large levees along the inside of river bends in the upper reaches of the river and on ridge crests within a ridge and swale floodplain morphology on broad downstream floodplains. The alluvial strata in these landforms represent five archaeological periods. The potential for preservation of cultural context and archaeological stratigraphy can be evaluated using sedimentology of the strata containing buried cultural horizons.