Seramur & Associates, PC has over 20 years of experience interpreting geomorphological and geologic history in the context of archaeological sites.
Archaeological consultation includes:
Predictive modeling of site locations,
Working with archaeologists to assess cultural context and archaeological stratigraphy
Surveys of submerged archaeological sites can be completed through underwater survey techniques such as:
Coring submerged landforms,
Shoreline surveys for historical architectural features,
Bottom dredge sampling,
Seismic reflection profiling.

A geoarchaeology investigation prior to the archaeological survey provides the archaeologist with information on buried soils or landforms favorable for occupation and a predictive model for the location of archaeological sites. An investigation of known archaeological sites can assist in evaluating the potential for the preservation of cultural context and archaeological stratigraphy within the different deposits.

Through the synthesis of geological and archaeological data, we develop a greater understanding of how Native Americans interacted with their environment. This allows us to more accurately predict the distribution of prehistoric archaeological sites within the landscape. The type of model used in a geoarchaeology investigation will depend on the physiographic setting (river valley, plains, mountains, or coast) and geological characteristics of the area.