Slope Stability Assessment
Assessing the potential of slope instability.
Development in the southern Appalachians is often completed in areas with steep slopes. This does not present a problem as long as the slope stability has been properly assessed. A property with a slope stability problem can often be successfully engineered for development that will be stable for many years into the future.
Seramur & Associates is a licensed geological consulting company that performs assessments of properties with steep slopes. The purpose of our assessment is to determine if there is evidence of the potential for slope instability. If problem slopes are identified, then we recommend that a geotechnical engineer be employed to assist with the development of the property.
A steep slope assessment consists of three phases:
The research phase involves compiling existing data on bedrock geology and structures. This includes reviewing the Slope Stability Maps compiled by the NC Geologic Survey, Slope Hazard Mapping Program.
The site visit, during which we will identify evidence of areas of weak bedrock and susceptible soils, and record data from bedrock outcrops where accessible.
The integration and analysis phase, in which slope steepness data, background research, and geologic data from the fieldwork are compiled and analyzed to form a basis for the delineation of potential slope stability hazards. The findings of this evaluation are summarized in a letter/report for the client.
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