Turners Chapel Cemetery
Ground Penetrating Radar Survey to map potential unmarked burials in the cemetery at Turners Chapel AME Church in High Point, NC
The areas between the marked graves were checked for evidence of unmarked burials. Forty-four potential unmarked burials were identified while collecting the transect data in the cemetery. Forty-six burial plots did not show any evidence of unmarked graves. These burial plots should be available future burials. A Nikon Total Station was used to survey the location of the existing grave markers, the GPR grid corners and reference points.
The depth slices and GPR profiles of the grid in the northeast corner of the cemetery were reviewed for potential burials. Five areas of soil disturbance were identified in the grid data that could represent unmarked burials. Areas of soil disturbance that could represent unmarked burials were plotted as red rectangles on the Site Plan. A single hyperbola was observed on multiple GPR profiles in Areas 1 and 2. Multiple anomalies were identified in Areas 3 and 5. The anomalies observed in Area 4 appear as linear high amplitude reflections on the 4.3 to 4.6 foot GPR depth slice. These linear reflections are oriented east-west similar to the marked graves in the cemetery. Area 4 appears to be a row of unmarked graves along the edge of the woods. These areas should be avoided in the future unless investigated further.