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Cedar Hill Cemetery

Formerly enslaved Gullah Geechee people of the Cedar Hill Plantation stayed in the area after emancipation and formed the Kitty Branch community. The Cedar Hill cemetery was used by these formerly enslaved people and their ancestors.

In 2021, Seramur conducted a GPR survey of a Gullah Geechee burial ground at the former location of the 1880s historic Reeves Chapel AME Church. A total of sixty-eight unmarked burials were identified at the Cedar Hill Cemetery during the GPR survey. The burials (marked and unmarked) at the cemetery did not produce distinct hyperbola. The grave shaft was recognized by disturbed reflections at depth. There were other small depressions around the cemetery but the reflection characteristics at these locations indicated that these depressions were produced by tree throws.

The location of each unmarked and marked burial was surveyed and a cemetery map was produced. A “do not disturb” boundary was established 30 feet from the closest burials. This boundary was marked in the field with grade stakes, surveyed and incorporated into our cemetery map.

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